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Customer Service Week (CSW) – Team Awesome!

CSW 2023 continues with the following events and activities:

Day 2 of our complimentary CSP training ends today. Congratulations to all the participants that joined and successfully completed the 15-hour course. You are all customer service champions!

Lunch and Learns are being hosted throughout the province during CSW. Bite sized learning opportunities and some great food! Thanks to all the supporting Industry organizations. We all need a bite sized portion of professional development!

Enter to win a $100 prepaid gift card to the Keg! We have 3 of these to give away. Share one of your customer service success stories with us on our social media platforms and have your name entered into the draw!

Many thanks to several of our members for offering Contact Centre tours this week. What a great way to see what a Contact Center looks like and the great people that work there. We are all customer service champions!

Welcome to team awesome!

MWPA Office

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