Did you know that there’s more to Customer Service than just “being a people person”
Skills like:
“Competent service rather than being rushed out the door”
“What are your customers telling you without saying it”
Time Management
“Be concerned with getting customers what they want in an efficient manner”
“Driving motivation to never ‘cheat’ your customers with lazy service”
In speaking with our members, we have also established a list of seven simple skills for customer service -
7 Simple Skills for Customer Service
Be Present
Be Aware
Be Genuine
Be Flexible
Be Engaged
Be Knowledgeable
Be Compassionate
Reflective Listening - how do you listen to others?
This approach requires you understand what is being said by interpreting their words and their body language.
You can respond by reflecting the thoughts and feelings you heard.
If you've adequately understood, move on. If not, say, "Tell me more, so I can better understand."
Never promise you'll fix the situation - because you might not be able to.
Your goal in this moment is to make your customer feel heard and valued.
Encourage calm -
Empathize, show compassion
Speak clearly and with intent
Acknowledge what is being expressed
Thank them for bringing the issue to your attention
Apologize when needed
Want to learn more? Connect with MCCA at mbcustomercontact.org.
MCCA - building an inspired workforce!
