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Celebrating People, Process and Performance

Since 1999, Manitoba Customer Contact Association (MCCA) has celebrated the Manitoba Excellence in Customer Contact Achievement (MECCA) Awards. The purpose of the awards program is to recognize excellence and evoke pride in the Customer Contact Centre Industry.  Each year, we celebrate organizations and their staff who exemplify the BEST that our industry has to offer. 

“Write a new ending for yourself, for the people you’re meant to serve and support, and for your culture.” B Brown


MCCA Board of Director Chair - Sheri Banville

MCCA is committed to connecting you with opportunities for learning and growth to attain exceptional levels of business excellence.


Tonight, we celebrate organizations and people who have distinguished themselves in championing innovation and delivering superior customer service. Your outstanding achievements are a testament to the spirit of the awards and our industry. Please join me in congratulating our Organizational and People award recipients and in wishing them continued success!

MCCA Executive Director - Bruce Rose

This past year, we built momentum with the goal of expanding on many of our mandates within the customer service sector. Now, more than ever, we recognize the crucial role of the people that help drive the work we do on a daily basis. Great People + Great Work = Superior Customer Service.


Thank you to the MCCA Board of Directors and operational team for their diligent work that has resulted in this year’s success and more specifically, this evening’s event. Thank you as well to our many sponsors, attendees and partners who have made tonight’s gala possible.


Finally, CONGRATS! to all of the nominees and award winners. Your commitment to excellence in customer service has been inspirational!

People Award Winners

PEOPLE are the driving force behind the success of our dynamic Industry.


Each year we recognize the outstanding contributions of the Representatives, Leaders, Teams and Supports make to their organizations and the people they serve.

Organization Award Winners

ORGANIZATIONS continue to set benchmarks for standards of excellence in Manitoba’s customer contact centre Industry.


Successful work environments are fostered through staff development, healthy workplaces, use of technology and fulfilling career opportunities.

Congratulations to all of the nominees and awards winners!


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