Time & Location
Apr 09, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Virtual event via Zoom
About the Event
The "S" Word - Sales Professional
A sales representative, quite simply, sells products or services for a company and represents their brand. They manage relationships with customers, serving as the key point of contact, from initial lead outreach to when a purchase is ultimately made.Looking for some help? We have the course for you!
The "S" Word
Course overview -
Approaches to selling
The importance of product/service knowledge
Knowing your customer
Understanding the needs and wants of customers
Building trust
Consider the following -
- When you hear the word “sales”, what comes to mind?
- What are some barriers we face when selling?
- How can you improve your sales finesse?
“The way you see people is the way you treat them.”
“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”
Members - $99
Future Members - $149
To register for this training connect with events@mcca.mb.ca.