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Manitoba Career and Workforce Development Month - November

November is Career and Workforce Development Month in Manitoba. Career and workforce development benefits industry, communities, and individuals and helps ensure we are meeting the changing demands of the economy by building an available, diversified and skilled labour force. Career development assists individuals explore careers options, make informed decisions about their learning, training and career paths and to successfully manage life and work transitions.

Career and Workforce Development Month is a wonderful opportunity for youth, educators, parents and job seekers to find out about the rich variety of sectors and industries in Manitoba. It is also a forum for businesses associations, non-profit agencies, service providers, schools, adult learning and literacy centres, and post-secondary institutions to connect with each other and share information about the jobs, programs, and services available.

Looking for some support?

Take a look at some of these links:

MCCA will be offering complimentary customer service training throughout the month to help support Industry growth. Connect with MCCA at

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